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Cables digitales

Do you wish to participate in artificial intelligence projects?

Artificial intelligence is not GPT Chat; this is one of its uses, but AI is much more! This page provides a quick and basic summary of some of Aboud Onji's research on AI and its applications.
Please contact us, sending your CV, if you are interested in participating in one of our projects!

Pronóstico en los precios de electricidad en México


Forecasting electricity prices in Mexico through 2026.

This research employs the methodical use of various autonomous search and optimization algorithms to produce a very accurate forecast of spot electricity prices in Mexico.


Models that use genetic algorithms to predict consumer purchase decisions

In this research, we study individual product purchasing decisions in order to create models based on genetic algorithms that can forecast customer final decisions.

Algoritmo genético


Fuzzy logic Inference  System

Fuzzy logic-based algorithms predict the financial risk of an investment.

This research uses fuzzy logic techniques to forecast potential risks in a certain investment.

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©2023 by Aboud Onji

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